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Your Stories: Annie Cattabriga-Alosa - "Embody Your Divine Feminine"
Annie Cattabriga-Alosa
"Experience Your Magic"
What is your Point of You phrase? Indulge your self.
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? When Kim and I first started working together one-on-one, I was in the middle of what I call an "existential meltdown." I had just begun to really look at my unconscious wounds and ways I was diminishing myself. I felt lost, knowing the motivations that were moving me forward in my career and relationships were unhealthy but not knowing how to heal them. During our first session, she helped me see that even though I had experienced painful interactions in my relationships, the root of that pain was a separation from my true self. That my betrayal of the "real Annie" was something being reflected back to me in my relationships, in the form of feeling unworthy and never good enough. It was a life-changing conversation that gave me the tools to move forward in my life and accept that I'm not a victim, and instead of blaming others for my pain, I could look inside and see a huge amount of self-compassion and self-love was needed in order to heal.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others? "Indulge Your Self" is a Point of You that stands for allowing ourselves to stop caring what the world thinks about us, and be our imperfect selves! It's an invitation to step away from our cultural and ancestral conditioning and shine our brightest light in the world, by owning who we truly are and loving ourselves fully.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? "Indulge your self" was a tough phrase for me to accept as my Point of You. I equated the phrase with my diminished beliefs, a representation of greediness and ego. My whole life had been spent doing the best I could to prove to the world I was worthy of love by "doing" instead of "being." In other words, I was never allowed to "be myself" because the real me wasn't good enough. The phrase "indulge your self," when flipped on its side and viewed in an undiminished way, stands for giving ourselves the chance to really BE. When we indulge our true selves, we have nothing to prove, we are worthy and whole and good by our very nature.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work: My Point of You ended up changing the direction of my entire life! Before doing this work, my interests in the ways of the divine feminine were suppressed. I was afraid to allow myself to be who I really am, a witch! I was afraid of what people would think about me, ashamed of the judgement that could come from sharing this part of me. After "Indulging My Self" I saw my path clearly and accepted myself as a powerful leader and teacher of the divine feminine movement. Before doing this work, I was a clothing designer. Now I'm a Priestess.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life: Before I did this work, I was triggered often by the people closest to me. I was convinced I was never going to be fully accepted, especially by mother figures. I nearly left my husband in my lowest hour, truly believing he would be happier with someone "better" than me. My self-esteem was low, though I appeared to the world as confident. I tried desperately to always be more talented, more accepted, more worthy. Through working with Kim, I came to learn about projection and the ways the world reflects back to us our underlying beliefs about ourselves. I began to see my self-limiting wounds in my triggers, and learned that the way others act, so often, is not about me. I learned to stop taking everything personally and accept that everyone is wounded in some way. I've carried these tools with me ever since, and they might be the most helpful and life-changing things I've ever learned.
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work? I've found that not caring what the world thinks of me is an incredibly liberating experience. This didn't happen overnight, but it's gotten so much easier with practice. Through the art of "Indulging My Self" over the last five years, I've become a leader within my group of friends and community. I believe it's because people resonate so deeply with others who are able to vulnerably share their realness. My way of life is not for everyone, but that doesn't matter. The ones who resonate with my path are really on board, they get me. I'm done with watering myself down to appeal to more people. We lose our potency that way. It's full on, real Annie from here on out.
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? I've redesigned my clothing business website into a new, Divine Feminine Priestess website. Luckily, Kim helped me create and brand the first version of Divinia three years ago, and it still resonates deeply with me today! This works because the website wasn't about the clothing, it was about what I believe in and stand for, and those things haven't changed. Now the offerings I'm putting forward are more meaningful to me than ever. I'm looking to launch the new website in January 2018. I'm also creating a deck of medicine cards that are based on species of the world's rainforests. This project is focused on bringing awareness to these endangered places and donating to conservation efforts. Though I'm a little scared of how my new offerings will be received, I'm more excited because I know this path of service to the earth and to my community will be more creative and fulfilling than ever.
Are there any other thoughts you'd like to share about our work together (or other)? There's no way of putting a price on the value of what I walked away with over the three years Kim and I worked together. Every time I see her, I say "I wish everyone I know could work with you." I mean that wholeheartedly, because I believe the work Kim models and stands for is life-changing, and it's what the world needs right now. We need to heal ourselves, to love ourselves, and to BE ourselves so we can then turn around and be the teachers, healers and leaders we are meant to be. This is a revolution worth standing for.