“I want to help people ask themselves the questions that will help reveal and unfold what is possible in their lives and what they can do to pursue their best life. I’m always too busy asking others what they want to need or seeing the ways that I can support others. I need to stop and use “ask yourself” on me.”
Carter Cox
What is your Point of You phrase? Ask yourself.
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? I was around a year and a half into a "new" job. In that time, I experienced a seizure and (related) felt like I enjoyed my job, but that there was something really not working for me personally. I was also working to discover my wants and needs after having two children and exploring both what I needed to do to find better balance in my life and how I could feel fulfilled in my whole life.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others? My Point of You phrase reveals that I want to help people ask themselves the questions that will help reveal and unfold what is possible in their lives and what they can do to pursue their best life.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? I'm always too busy asking others what they want and need or seeing the ways that I can support others. I need to stop and use "Ask Yourself" on me. I need more time for reflection, more time to explore, and I need to continue to ask myself what I want my life to be, so I can create it.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work: I asked myself what I wanted my days to look like. While it was difficult to admit, I realized that my job would never allow me to create the daily life I wanted. This was simply a case of what my role was. I want flexibility, to work from home more, and to not have as much responsibility for a job that really never is finished (not project-based or a specific scope of work). This helped me realize two things: 1. That I have a lot to offer just by "being" and that I don't need to have certain certifications or schooling. 2. That I can imagine what I want and create it.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life: I continue to ask myself what I want, what I want to do, and how I want to live my life. Now, I am working as a consultant getting paid almost twice my previous rate. I am working less, spending more time with my children, and I'm also working to be in a different role with a primary client that will allow me consistent pay at a higher rate and also empowering me to do more of the work that most excites me while still being part of a team I love.
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work? Absolutely. I believe in starting with self if you want to be part of a better world and changing the world. Ironically, even with this belief, I was never allowing myself to deeply and continuously explore who I am, who I want to be, and most importantly, to BE. By simply "being" me, I am participating in the world with my full self. I don't need to fit into a box or define what it means. I'm being!
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? I realize that I need to shift in the job that takes up most of my time and causes me the most stress. The challenge is that I love this organization and the team. Also, it scares me to leave a "steady" job with consistent pay even though I know that it is also holding me back from making more money and from spending my time more freely.