“Over and over again I butt up against the belief that I don’t have time for myself, that I couldn’t possibly take care of myself ... but the beautiful thing is that I CAN remember me. Even in the midsts of chaos. I have the tools for that, if only I will use them.”
Eve Bernfeld
In Balance Alexander Technique
What is your Point of You phrase? Remember me.
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? Oh jeez, what wasn't I struggling with!? Mostly I was hoping to grow my business and find more clients, given not only the normal challenges of that, but also the "bonus" challenge of teaching a method that few people have heard of. Also I was struggling with the demands of parenting two-year-old triplets at the same time!
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others? In the midst of parenting and working, I over and over again butt up against the belief that I don't have time for myself, that I couldn't possibly take care of myself, that I don't even know myself anymore because I can't hear/feel myself over the din. But the beautiful thing is that I CAN remember me. Even in the midst of the chaos. I have the tools for that, if only I will use them. That is the very work that I teach, so I sure-as-hell better start doing it! I want to give those tools to others as well, because I know I'm not the only one in this situation!
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? My point of view reminds me that I already have/know/do enough, and it's okay to focus on BEING me — in all the aspects of my life.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work. Lately, remembering me has led me to seeking out more quiet in my life. This has been an immensely powerful balm, and it has led to the creation of new work, which is enabling me to reach out to collaborate with new people. It's manifesting new possibilities all over — simply because I allowed myself to Remember Me.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life. In addition to the quiet-time I mentioned above, another recent possibility I've manifested is reconnecting with cultural/spiritual/religious traditions that I've missed.
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work? I used to stress myself out over all the things I "should" be doing for my business, but didn't want to do. Like attending trade shows, for example. Now that I Remember Me, I am in tune with what I LOVE to do and can focus on those things and let the others go without guilt or stress (mostly). I love to teach, I love public speaking/performance, I love to write, I love to meet like-minded practitioners one-on-one and have good conversations. So these are the areas I attend to--and they are more than enough!
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? I am allowing myself the possibility of more group teaching. I am allowing the possibility of more public speaking. I am allowing myself to use all the skills I have amassed over my life as a student, performer, teacher, practitioner to inform how I teach. I am throwing open the windows and being more ME.