“You CAN grow. Enrich your life, support your growth at a healthy pace. You know what kind of nourishment you need to thrive, now allow yourself to have it!”
Heather Wheeler
Bloom With Nature
Reintegrate Human Nature
What is your Point of You phrase? Grow (up)!!!
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? When we first starting co-conspiring, I was a recent college graduate working in the tree care industry with a team who did not share the same vision for our company's future. When I contacted Kim, I was expecting her to help me figure out how talk some sense into these guys. I was ready to come up with a plan to get our tree care company to be more profitable, engage in more meaningful work, and connect with people who were better aligned with our core values. The problem was...we did not have the same core values, and I was investing way too much into a job that was going nowhere fast. I was absolutely shocked when Kim brought it to my attention that it was time to scamper out from under the "rock" I had been trying so hard to move, and start my own company. Not what I wanted to hear! It seemed impossible, WAY too risky, and I was terrified with the whole idea. The process of my work with Kim has navigated me through the full spectrum of feelings that lie outside of my comfort zone.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others?: You CAN grow. Enrich your life, support your growth at a healthy pace. You know what kind of nourishment you need to thrive, now allow yourself to have it!
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? I get to choose the partners who give me what I need to grow, instead of settling for less and feeling stuck.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work: I'm finding a deeper respect for myself, so that others can see me as a capable, skilled, professional woman. Letting go of the notion that I'm a "small fry" allows me to cultivate deeper connections with others, and to live a more vibrant life. It's becoming easier to identify situations that are too stagnant, rigid or artificial, so that I can move forward more quickly toward better conditions for real growth.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life: I'm keeping it real with honest self-expression and healthy boundaries, which have always been very challenging. My choices now reflect the way I want to feel, more than what I think I "should" be doing.
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work? It reminds me, you can't rush nature.
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? I'm investing in the production of a series of short films, which will eventually feed into a documentary. Each season, we're capturing the highlights of my journey in land stewardship. We're exploring ways to share the stories of how my team works to protect, preserve and restore life in various habitats. I am thrilled to share the natural beauty of the things we are witnessing in the field, forest and streams.
Are there any other thoughts you'd like to share about our work together (or other)? Whenever I try to explain the work I do with Kim, I fumble with words because it's not an easy process to describe. One thing that I always have to mention, because it has had such a huge positive impact on me, has been how Kim is always telling me to NOT do things. I think more than anything else, our work has showed me how to explore WHY I'm choosing to accept a job, or go to an expensive workshop, or you name it... Is it because I feel like having another credential will afford me more respect from professional peers? Is it because I just feel I can, so why not? I have been so thankful that we have taken the time to dissect the WHY question, so that I can feel confident in making choices that I know will offer me the nourishment I need to grow.