“All of the answers and
responsibilities are within you.
No one but ourselves has the power to stop or start our engines.
With this truth comes limitless possibilities. ”
Josi Stephens
What is your Point of You phrase? Keep It To Yourself
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? I was struggling with direction, with purpose, with the deeper, more complicated parts of my professional and personal hopes.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others? All of the answers and responsibilities are within you. No one but ourselves has the power to stop or start our engines. With this truth comes limitless possibilities. And that excites me!
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? I have the key to my life. I am in command of my life. Outside forces can only do so much for and to me.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work: I am turning my gaze inward when I take steps towards a future that I thought was impossible. I was never able to see that before, that I could trust myself for the answers. It seems so simple, but until I began this work I looked outward for every clue. And now I keep it to myself so as to give the best of me to world.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life: When I met Kim I had no idea that I could dream up a life worth truly living. I didn't even entertain the hope of living a life with horses or the fulfillment of my creative side. I have now been out of the service industry and in the equine world for over six months. And as scary as this is at times I have the foundation to keep it moving forward, getting further and further away from my fears. By "keeping it to myself" I am empowered to make decisions based on my love, not my fear. I am the master of this destiny.
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work?: Even though I still battle the fears that come with being a creative human, I am working every day to engage the innocent and hopeful elements of my inner self. Some days the struggle is bigger than the fight in me but I always come out swinging. My POY is my cheerleader, my support system, the well that I drink from when I don't have the answers. I approach life and work knowing that I am all that I need. It's incredibly liberating!
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? Oh lordy! Everything! I am a wrangler and a full time horsewomen. A thing that I never would have dreamed of a year ago! I never would have been gutsy enough to drop fully in to this life without Kim's constant support and honest feedback.
Are there any other thoughts you'd like to share about our work together (or other)? My work with Kim has altered me in ways that I feel every day. Having her and our incredible tribe on my side gives me the bravery that I need to expand and breathe a life beyond my most wild dreams. Kim is my friend, my mentor and my most dedicated co-conspirator in this life. With her came not only a life time of expertise but a community of like minded humans who I lean on daily. It's a constant reminder of how big my life can be if I am willing to tap into the gifts that I (we) all have been given!