“I am okay. I don’t need to feel undeserving of success and happiness. I can be all right with who I am and what I’m doing.”
Kathryn Hefner
What is your Point of You phrase? Be all right.
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? I had recently quit my full-time job to become a freelance marketing developer and felt I was drowning in fear of not only job security but realizing actual success.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others? Break through the fear and self-destruction to realize your full potential.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? It reminds me that I am okay. I don't need to feel undeserving of success and happiness. I can be all right with who I am and what I'm doing.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work: Before working with Kim, I had a very black and white view of what work success was and how to attain it. I also felt the need to sabotage my potential because I didn't feel worthy of not only loving my job, but being good at it. My Point of You helps me take a step back and realize I'm alright. I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people and have come really far over the last few years because I wasn't scared to say no or make things tougher on myself than they needed to be.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life: It took a very long time, and it's still a work in progress, but I finally learned to open myself up to new possibilities and give myself what I need to be happy. Rather, give myself permission to be alright.
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work? I am 100% certain that without Kim my path would have been much more challenging and less fulfilling. She has this incredible knack to reach right into your soul and pull out the most vulnerable, most private part of yourself that is in desperate need of attention and love. Once I had that, it was amazing to see how quickly my perspective and habits changed.
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? I am taking my skills to another level. I would always downplay what I do in my job, but this year I'm taking ownership of it, taking the reins of new development skills, and seeing which direction this will take me. I am excited to feel that rush of new challenges and uncovered territory.