“I want for each of us to get to experience the fullest expression and value of our one-of-a-kind existence ... to lead lives that inspire and excite us and allow us to share our ‘love’ in a way that makes a difference ... and to recognize that what we each uniquely have and want to bring to the world matters.”
Kimberly Dawson
Revolution Business & Life Design
"Liberate the Point of You"
What is your Point of You phrase? Get over yourself.
What were you struggling with and/or seeking when we started working together? I was struggling to position my breadth of business skills and 25 years of experience in a way that would make me employable in existing positions, so that I could make money to support myself — to survive. First, I tried to find a position in another ground-breaking start-up, where my strengths and experience in branding, strategic marketing, sales and operations management all could be maximized. Then I looked for work that focused in just one or another of these skill areas. Inevitably companies were seeking people who had specialized in just one area of business, which isn't how my greatest value is expressed.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase show you that you inherently want to make possible for others? I want for each of us to get to experience the fullest expression and value of our one-of-a-kind existence ... to lead lives that inspire and excite us and allow us to share our "love" in a way that makes a difference ... and to recognize that what we each uniquely have and want to bring to the world matters.
What possibility does your Point of You phrase remind you that you subconsciously deny yourself? Subconsciously, I was denying my Self the right to exist, because somehow I was always "too much." I struggled to do anything for my Self, to put my Self "center stage" in my own life, much less in my own business. I tried to survive by "getting over my Self," making my Self "smaller" to serve others, rather than allowing my Self to be "bigger" to serve others by serving my Self. This deep Self denial was at the heart of my struggle with anorexia.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your work: My Point of You phrase helps me to understand that I need (get!) to build my own business and put my Self out into the world to make a difference, by living and modeling the possibility I stand for. Whenever I struggle, I look to see where I can "get over my Self denial" — rather than "getting over my Self" — in order to see new possibility. As a very early example, three months after I signed a year lease for my first office space, I was asked to leave. Not surprisingly, this brought up my deepest fears, and my first thought was, "see, I can't have my own business." My Point of You phrase reminded me to "get over my Self denial" and own that this situation didn't mean that, at all. In fact, the space wasn't actually working well for me, and it was a gift for me to be released from the lease. After a good long cry, I reframed, focused on what I really wanted in a work space, and immediately found a new space, at half the cost, in a much more relevant and supportive community. Without the awareness of my pattern of Self denial and how to get out of my own way, I very likely would have given up on my sSelf and my business, again.
Please share an example of how your Point of You phrase helps you to manifest new possibility in your personal life: Early on, my Point of You phrase helped me to see how I was denying my Self the possibility to have a car I could count on. Financially, I was capable of making the payments, but the thought never even crossed my mind to allow my Self the possibility. When my 25 year old Acura Integra — which I loved — broke down, again, I felt trapped, then realized I could have a better car, if I would just chose to allow my Self. One week later, I bought a great, reliable, new-to-me used car. Several months later, I noticed I was getting extremely frustrated by a lack of space. My partner Bryan and I both, effectively, had started our lives over after our respective divorces. He had gone back to school, and I was reworking and relaunching my business. After previously owning our own homes, we had been living together in a quaint 350 square foot studio apartment for a couple of years. My business was building and doing well, but the thought hadn't even crossed my mind to consider moving into a bigger place. I realized I was "getting over my Self" in a limiting way, again. With this awareness, the next day we saw the place we ended up moving into two weeks later, that we loved! The possibilities for a better car and more space had been right in front of me for a while. I just hadn't been able to see them from the state of being someone who was supposed to "get over my Self." [More recently, we undiminished more, and now we are living in a great little house, again!]
How has awareness of the Point of You changed the way you approach your life and work? I now realize that every time I feel resistance or struggle, there's a new possibility right in front of me, just waiting for me to get over my own Self denial, so I can manifest it. I see and believe in the value I have to bring to the world, know why I get up every morning, and feel inspired and empowered to show up and manifest the life I want to live ... and make a difference doing so.
What new possibility are you allowing yourself this year that both scares and excites you? I'm allowing myself to ask for support from my clients, by sharing their stories — both in writing and via podcast (in the works). I'm committed to writing the "manifesto" for my revolution this winter and self publishing it in the spring, with the intention of reaching out and making connections during the summer, that could lead to speaking opportunities and workshops in the fall.
Are there any other thoughts you'd like to share about our work together (or other)? Your love matters. Live it, and share your story!